Part 1 of this series examined why your Service Management must evolve. It also suggested an optimal way forward. This post outlines the specific elements IT departments need to focus on.
So, you’re convinced that you need to adopt a holistic approach to Service Management. You want it to integrate with all the relevant business processes and provide complete cost transparency. In addition, of course you want to delight users. You’re also excited about the idea of replicating your approach and selling it to other organizations. The question is how to make it happen …?
We successfully implemented a huge amount of Matrix42 Service Management products over the last years. We learned that there are five key steps to take to complete the transformation.
First you need to know what services you have. Try to understand how they’re being used. You can easily achieve this if you have a single solution for Asset-, Contract- and License Management. Generate a big picture about the needs and costs out of this. Your Service Management and Compliance solution should be able to do that out of the box. If not then just use the Reporting or Business Intelligence capabilities to generate the overview. You can use this snapshot as a basis for identifying where the gaps are. And you can save money by eliminating assets and services that are underused.
You need a clearly priced Service Catalog. This process must be at the heart of your service management environment. You also need well defined processes linking service requests to approval, delivery and eventual withdrawal or retirement. This will give you a complete, precise picture of service costs.
What do you need to reliably deliver Services in minutes or hours, instead of days or weeks? Ease of use, comprehensive reporting and automated workflows. A completely integrated tool that also makes it easy to create new services or adapt existing ones can provide it. The best solutions also enable you to perform service management tasks via mobile devices.
An integrated, catalog-based service management system makes it easy to price services. Of course it’s aligned to demand and service levels. This creates a clear connection between service cost and value.
Once the environment is in place, you can replicate it for other organizations. The most straightforward way is to provide cloud-based access to an instance of the same centralized solution. In fact, a number of Matrix42 Service Management customers are already doing this today.
Matrix42 Service Management is a fully integrated service management solution, backed by decades of successful service and workspace management experience. It is recognized by the ITAM Review as best-in class in the service management space. As such, it can help organizations like yours achieve the transformation outlined in this blog post series.