Matrix42 Blog

Employee Experience as a Success Factor

Written by Matrix42 | Jan 9, 2024 2:50:39 PM

Up until a few years ago, companies were focusing exclusively on customer experience. Today, employee experience is increasingly becoming the center of attention, since it takes satisfied employees to ensure satisfied customers. In addition, a company’s employees expect smooth processes so that they can concentrate on their core tasks. In particular, the diversity of solutions and end devices as well as modern work models present employees as well as HR and IT departments with ever new challenges.

It therefore does not come as a surprise that employee experience is one of CIOs’ top priorities for 2020. The real challenge, however, is to simplify the often complicated business processes that exist in companies. However, in order to create a great employee experience, the HR and IT business units need to join forces and cooperate closely. Today, modern tools can be used to map all business processes relating to the employee experience both comprehensively and across all business units.

Lengthy processes generate high costs

Most of the time, the corporate process from applying for a new job through to onboarding, for example, involves at least five different tools. Also, employees are probably required to still enter some information manually, which can result in the loss of important data. Of course, the employees also have to master the individual tools. Moreover, the employees are solely responsible for the execution of the respective project steps. This incurs an enormous expenditure of time and energy, making the onboarding process very expensive. The workflows are a far cry from being intuitive. For example, e-mail notifications from multiple tools and in different formats are extremely confusing and can end up in the spam or trash folder.

But this is exactly how a lot of companies handle things today. A few years ago, this approach may have made sense. However, these outdated structures are no longer adequate for peripheral cases and modern working models, and they do not support the large variety of devices and solutions that exist in today’s business landscape. While there are tools that promise to deliver all IT-driven processes from a single source, such a system requires a massive external programming effort. In addition, this approach will make the IT department dependent on the consulting firm for all eternity. If a company wants to break free from this dependency after two or three years, it will need to embark on the costly journey of replacing the solution.

Transparent and integrated processes

What IT departments really need is a solution that aggregates all processes. Also, the system should be capable of transparently displaying all information on a single UI. And it needs to provide analysis features. The most important thing, however, is that the application can be easily adapted and integrated into all IT and specialist systems of the company. In addition, the IT department should be able to independently map all processes and those of the business units. Such as HR, Finance, Marketing, or Sales, on the basis of this platform.

Two components required for setting up an automated workflow

To ensure that security patches and new features can be installed continuously and independently, the solution must always remain updatable . Companies need only two components for this. First, a very-very-low code application builder that serves as the foundation for all user interfaces. This builder must be extremely intuitive and needs to automatically adapt the user interfaces for all devices. Such as smartphones, tablets, desktops, notebooks and, ideally, also exist as a browser application. This will enable the IT department to map any processes such as input screens, forms, grids, dashboards, and reports. The SolutionBuilder is a Matrix42 product that precisely meets all these requirements.

The second component is a graphical workflow engine (Workflow Studio from Matrix42, for example) that automates all processes. It enables simple integration with other tools and systems as well as adjusting the application logic via drag and drop. Experienced IT experts will likely assume that this can only work with low-level code. Or that code and SQL are necessary to make this work. However, even complicated processes can be designed intuitively, meaning they can be configured via a wizard and drag and drop. All Matrix42 applications are designed according to this principle. If a new feature is required, it is first developed in the SolutionBuilder and Workflow Studio. And then it is mapped into the solution and delivered to the customer every quarter.